Helpful Links
We understand that researching a topic you’re not familiar with can be overwhelming, so we gathered some resources for you.
Helpful Links
Stetson Hills Animal Hospital Library
In addition to the Pet Health Care Library, we have provided this page of links/references to third-party websites. Links to other websites are provided to our website users merely for the sake of convenience. These websites have some great information on a variety of topics related to veterinary medicine and pet health care. We try to keep these links up-to-date, but the web is ever-changing. If you find a broken link, let us know so we can either remove it or find a new address. Also, share any ideas on links that you would like us to add to this page. Feel free to send us your favorite links and possibly share them with other pet owners. If we like them, we will add them to our list!
Please Note: Stetson Hills Animal Hospital does not accept any responsibility for the availability, usability, or any liability for damage or injury resulting from the use of such contents, of whatever form.
Pet Rescues and Adoptions
- Arizona Humane Society – “Improving the lives of animals since 1957.”
- Maricopa Animal Safe Haven – A non-profit, no kill animal shelter that houses dogs and cats that have been victims of criminal neglect or abuse.
- ASPCA – The ASPCA was the first humane organization in the Western Hemisphere. Their mission, as stated by their founder, Henry Bergh, in 1866, is “to provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States.”
- Maricopa County Animal Care and Control – MCACC has many friendly dogs and cats that are eager to find a loving home.
- PETCO – Petco stores are currently hosting pet adoptions on the weekends. Click on this link and go to Store Locator to find the Petco nearest you.
Grief and Loss
- Association of Pet Loss and Bereavement – We have all experienced the pain of losing a pet. The Association of Pet Loss and Bereavement has set up this site for support during this most difficult time. You will find inspirational stories, grief counseling resources, hotline number, and many other resources.
- Local Pet Grief Support in Phoenix, Arizona – Whether you’re anticipating or coping with the loss of a beloved companion animal, the Pet Grief Support Service recognizes your pain and offers understanding, compassion, and support. In addition to pet loss support by phone, this local group also offers monthly meetings.
- Our Pals – Pet and Animal Lovers service. This online source has pet memorial urns, caskets, markers, artistic memorials, and caring grief support.
- – Anyone who has ever lost a pet should visit this wonderful site. It is a terrific tribute to our lost family members.
- “When your pet dies: How to cope with your feelings” by Jamie Quackenbush
- “The heart that is loved never forgets” by Kaetheryn Walker
- “I wish I could hold your hand: A child’s guide to grief and loss” by Pat Palmer
- “The loss of a pet” by Wallace Sife
- “Grieving the death of a pet” by Betty J. Carmack
Local Hazards to Your Pet
Here in the Northwest Phoenix area, we encounter several different environmental risks which are unique to desert living. Rattlesnakes are a serious danger to our pets, along with Valley Fever, Colorado River Toads, and certain household and garden plants. Please see the following links for valuable information regarding these local hazards.
- ViperVoidance – Teaches dogs prevention through avoidance, which is the best way to protect your dog from snake bites.
- Rattlesnake Vaccine – Visit this site to learn more about the benefits of getting your dog vaccinated.
- Valley Fever – This site offers excellent information about this common, treatable fungal disease.
- Colorado River Toads – Take a look at this Fox News video regarding the dangers of these toads found in our neighborhoods!
- Pets and Poison – University of Arizona College of Pharmacy – Information about common toxic plants in Arizona can also be found here.
Canine Information
- Choosing a new puppy – This is a nice starter guide of things that you should consider when you are thinking about getting a puppy.
- Breeds of Dogs – A detailed reference guide to many breeds of dogs, including photos and descriptions of each breed’s characteristics.
- American Kennel Club (AKC) – This site offers information on dog breeds, competition events, club search for training and services, dog ownership, breed registration, and more.
- Canine Agility – Use this site for researching agility courses, events, subscribing to a monthly magazine, and much more.
- Heartworm Society – Everything you ever wanted to know about heartworm disease can be found here!
- Dogs and ticks– This website is filled with tips to educate you about Lyme disease and anaplasmosis, as well as other diseases carried by ticks and mosquitoes.
- Orthopedic Foundation for Animals – Before you come in for hip and elbow radiographs to OFA certify your purebred dog, please visit the official website and print the necessary application and have it filled out prior to your appointment with us. Thank You!
- Association of Pet Dog Trainers – This is a professional organization of dog trainers and contains a wealth of helpful dog training advice and tips.
- How to Choose a Trainer
- Perfect Puppy in 7 days by Sophia Yin – An excellent and thorough book on helping train your puppy to be well-mannered and avoid many common behavioral problems.
Feline Information
- The Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) The Cat Fanciers’ Association website has lots of pictures, as well as information on cat breeds, cat care, upcoming cat shows, and much more.
- Feline Health Center Cornell University An excellent resource for cat health issues.
- The Indoor Cat Initiative is a great site to help a cat owner provide a fun, stimulating, and stress-free home for the indoor cat.
- The Feline Chronic Renal Failure Information Center is a website dedicated to helping and supporting owners whose cats have been diagnosed with chronic renal (kidney) failure.
- American Association of Feline Practitioners The AAFP is like the American Medical Association for cat doctors and has lots of good information regarding feline health.
- Frolicat – FroliCat™ is a line of innovative cat toys, including BOLT™, the interactive laser toy that can keep your cat entertained and active even while you’re away. All FroliCat toys are designed to engage your cat in enthused play. So, prepare for pouncing, chasing, jumping & maybe even the occasional half-twist summersault.
Nutritional Links
- Pet Obesity Prevention – This website has very important, valuable, and useful information from the Association of Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP).
- The Clinical Nutrition Service – The Clinical Nutrition Service helps with optimal commercial diet selection & nutritional plans for pets.
- Pet Diets – Here are veterinarians with extensive training and experience in pet nutrition. They provide customized recipes for pets, nutritional consultations for pets with medical conditions, and more!
- Balance It – Sign up to get free recipes for your pet!
Healthy People, Healthy Pets!
These websites from the Center for Disease Control and the Companion Animal Parasite Council have important information about what diseases you and your family CAN and CAN NOT contract from your pets, along with a lot of other valuable information regarding pet and people health.
General Information
- American Veterinary Medical Association – This site is a good starting point to learn more about a variety of topics, including feline injection-site sarcomas and the latest subjects in veterinary medicine.
- HomeAgain – Microchipping Pet ID and Recovery Service – We implant HomeAgain microchips and register your pets with this service for you. Visit the website for more details, or ask us about microchipping your pet next time you’re here.
- AAHA Healthy Pets – This is the site of the American Animal Hospital Association’s Healthy pet — your link for healthy pets. You can count on AAHA for accurate, up-to-date, and entertaining information. We know your pet is an important member of your family. We will help you make the most of the relationship between you and your pet. It includes kids’ activities, newsletters, frequently asked questions, and client storytelling.
- AVMA Care for Pets – This is the American Veterinary Medical Association’s Care For Pets website. Read pet stories and articles on animal health and safety, buying a pet, pet loss, and access to a children’s corner.
- USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service – The USDA maintains this website with information on a variety of animal health-related topics, including the latest news on such things as Mad Cow Diseases, foot and mouth disease, and many other things.
- Drug and Food Recall Center
- Pet Proofing Your Home-Protect your pet at home with our pet-proofing tips